Mille et Claire
Born in Paris, Anne-Claire Lancenet, founder of Mille et Claire, is the result of an encounter between East and West. She owes her natural curiosity to her multicultural origins. Her grandparents, Haitian, Lithuanian, Polish and French, opened the doors to a passionate, colorful and mixed world.
From the Maeght Foundation to the artists' studios of Saint Paul de Vence, she discovered the arts in all their forms. From La Baule or the family home, the "villa mille et claire", cradle of years of carefree living and a French lifestyle, Anne-Claire Lancenet preserves the memory of a benevolent, soothing and other-oriented art of living.
Passionate about literature, she embraces Hypokhâgnes, but prefers Prévert. A follower of well-being, she learns perseverance and letting go through yoga. Self-taught, she captures the moment through photography, practices drawing, writes her first texts, creates her first accessory models.
Curious and altruistic by nature, Anne-Claire Lancenet travelled for more than twenty years. From French workshops to those in Pakistan and Asia, as artistic director for major fashion brands, she discovered the know-how of many countries, detected talents, forged links, maintained friendships... which she preserves today.